Certificated Staff

Certificated Evaluation Forms, Timeline, & Rubric for Teachers, Counselors, & SLPs
Teacher Resources
For information regarding your CalSTRS account, click here: My CalSTRS
Issues concerning credentials (credential requirements, application processes, renewal processes, etc.) can be discussed and resolved with either the district Director of Human Resources or the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing at:
1900 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 94244-2700
Phone:  (916) 322-4974, Option 1 - (M-F 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM)
Employees are responsible for renewing their credentials.
Your credential must be renewed before it expires. If you have renewed your credential directly with the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing, it is your responsibility to provide verification to the Director of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources will be able to assist you with any credential problems. Please call 760-631-5218 x 1013.
Collective Bargaining Agreement/MOUs
Peer Assistance Review Forms